News & Blogs Room

Corona Virus effected daily life


Date : 27-03-2020  [ Thursday ]

Corona Virus is pain full for people and economy of India, it is crashing economy and effecting life of people. The people are scaring to this virus and our police force are making important roll for aware the people to stop unnecessary movement, People bearing mask when they go to outside and also making distance to people, it helps to stop spread of corona Virus…

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cabinet Meeting with social distancing

n modi

Date : 26-03-2020  [ Wednesday ]

Prime Minister- Modi held urgent meeting with cabinet minister to discuss on this lock down and make this lock down successful. PM modi also discuss about state plan of lock down, district plan & more. also pm modi was discuss to continue essential services will continue and medical hospitals will be working. Medical equipment and testing center of COVID-19 samples will increase in every state…

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migrate Labor in COVID-19 - Lock-Down

Date : 25-03-2020  [ Tuesday ]

Due to 21 days lock-Down no factory/shops/traffic transportation active that’s by the migrate labor get back to there home town for their safety & foods, because of lock down there is no work for them. these labor were living on daily income that they earn daily and eat food everyday. Now the problem of these labor do not have any work or do not have any way of earn money to take care of their family so they are getaway to there home town…

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Corona Virus COVID-19

Date : 16-03-2020  [ Monday ]

Corona Virus is a very dangerous virus. It start growing from a city of “china, that is Buhan”, there is thousands of people effected by this virus. This Virus is community transferable, it can spreed to human beings to a very easy touch of people and by normal cough & cold. This virus symptoms are very common with other decease like Viral Fever, Cough & Cold…

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Star PEB in Janta - Curfew

Date : 22-03-2020  [ Sunday ]

Due to Corona Virus Pandemic our “PM – Modi ji ” announced the janta Curfew to fight with Corona Virus. Mr. Modi also told about maintain  social distancing for everyone. This Virus is community transferable, it can spreed to human being by easy contacting them. Please Keep distance while you meeting anyone. Star PEB India Pvt Ltd – will be today success the janta curfew against the Corona Virus…

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Corona virus - Lock-Down-21 Days

Date : 24-03-2020  [ Monday ]

After Successfully completing janta Curfew PM – Modi, Today announced the Lock-Down to India. Lock-Down will start today mid night – after  12.00 AM, it will continue for 21 days. PM – Modi ji also announced the the people who are working on that place or go for any reasons have hold their in 21 days lock-Down…

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